From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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The importance of research

The importance of research

- I want you to talk about research. The beauty of being a writer is that in fact, you can write about absolutely anything, as long as you do proper and thorough and responsible research. Now, I only had the confidence to go outside my comfort zone after my first three books, which ended up being a trilogy on infertility and adoption. And then I thought, okay, I want to write about something else. And over the last 20 years, I've written 16 books on many, many different topics of which I had absolutely no personal experience of. And the wonder is that I've realized that once you research, the world is your oyster, you can write about anything. And the beauty is the people who are experts in their field love talking about their field. So they will be absolutely happy and open to talk to you if you want to research. Now it's very important I think, if you're going to take up the time of an expert, that you have researched…
