From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

The importance of honest feedback

- So you want to write a book. Now you need to get serious. So I would suggest and what worked for me was joining a creative writing group, because you may think I'll write and I'll give it to my partner or sister or friend, but unless you want to fall out with them, they're going to have to tell you they think it's great. So I think joining a creative writing group is brilliant and I was very private about my writing and I'm sure a lot of people are as well, and walking in that door was like finding my tribe because everybody there had the same hopes and dreams. And also, everybody there was very honest with their feedback and the tutor became like a mentor to me. And so every week, I would come in with a chapter and everyone would read it. A lot of the people in my creative writing group are probably not my target audience, but they gave me the most amazing, honest feedback, and we became like a family to each other. And I found that really, really helpful. And it also helps give you confidence because people are reading your work and being objective about it, which is impossible to be objective about your own work. So I highly recommend joining a creative writing group or a local writing group, or you can do it online. You can do it in your local library, but I found that really helpful. I think that might be really helpful for you because we all need feedback and we need honest feedback, not feedback from friends and family.
