From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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The elevator pitch

The elevator pitch

- The elevator pitch. Okay, I talk about the elevator pitch because this is something that my agent said to me years ago, when I first signed with her. She said, "It's very important for you to have an elevator pitch." So, this basically means that you can describe your book in two or three sentences. And that's actually really hard to do. With some books, it's easier. So when you're writing your book, I want you to sit back and think, "What am I trying to say here? If somebody said to me, 'Hey, what's your book about?' Can I actually describe it in two to three sentences?" And if you can't, then maybe you need to have another look at exactly what you're trying to say, because every book is trying to say something. Whether you're trying to say that serial killers are actually misunderstood children, or whether you're trying to say that love is blind. Or if you're trying to say that fantasy world is real.…
