From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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- So when I first came on the writer scene, I was invited to a writer's dinner and I arrived very nervously. I was brand new, first book, you know, and a lot of these writers were very established, and in fact, very successful, and the most successful writer at that dinner turned around to me and said, "Welcome, we're delighted to have you here. We're delighted to meet you, and there is enough space in the cake for another slice." And I thought that was a lovely way to describe it because the more people enjoy reading, the more they're going to want to read. And so I think it has been very important, people who are very kind to me, and one of my most precious possessions, actually, is a letter that Maeve Binchy, the very, very, very well-known writer wrote to me after I first came on the scene and she just said, I had complimented her in an interview I did, and she wrote me this beautiful hand-written note and just…
