From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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- If you're thinking about writing a book, I'm here to tell you, you can do it. You have to invest in yourself, okay. It's now time for you to invest in yourself. The thing about writing is you think, "Could I do it? What do I have to say?" Believe me, everybody has something interesting to say. And when you start writing, it's what comes out of inside you is amazing. You will be amazed and shocked at what is inside you. So, how do I start? Okay. Staring at the blank page, staring at the blank screen is extremely daunting. I'm currently working on my 16th novel, and I still find that blank screen, first page, very daunting, but you know what? Take the plunge. Just do it because what's the worst that can happen? Your book never gets published. That is the worst thing that can happen. Is that really so bad? So, I would say to you, if you have an inclination to do it, just do it. Just try it. Because the joy and…
