From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Rejection is not failure

Rejection is not failure

- Something that's very important to remember is that rejection is not a failure. Rejection is one person's opinion of your work, okay. Now, I know it's very easy for me to sit here because I have been published. But let me tell you about how it all started actually. My first two books were rejected by everybody, every agent, and every editor in the world. I sent it to Europe, America, South Africa, and Australia. And they all said no. In fact, one of my rejection letters said, "I find your writing incredibly irritating. Please do not give up your day job." That was a treat. I could have actually wallpapered my whole apartments with rejection letters, but I love writing so much that I just kept going. And there came a point where I said to myself, "Okay, why am I doing this? Am I doing this for the glory of being published and seeing my book in a bookshop? Or am I doing this because I love writing? And it is a…
