From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Prep yourself

Prep yourself

- Before you write, I think preparation is always a good idea. The best book on writing, absolutely the best book, is "Stephen King On Writing." Another fabulous book is Annie Lamont's "Bird by Bird." And another brilliant book is "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert, which is all about the creative process. But Stephen King's book is brilliant and that's the one I read before I started writing because he really gets into the nitty gritty and the minutia of actually writing a book, how to start, where to go. So again, you're prepping yourself. This is all prepping yourself to actually get to the stage where you sit down and start writing. Okay, so you need to prep. You need to kind of carve out your time. You need to get serious. You need to invest in yourself and you need idea. What's your idea going to be and where is it going to come from? Everybody always wants to know where you get your ideas from. And I'm saying to…
