From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Point of view

Point of view

- Other thing people often ask about is point of view. Are you going to write in the first person, are you going to write in the third person? That again is something you're going to have to figure out, and that will come to you after you've written the first couple of chapters. Oftentimes, I might start out a book from the point of view of the first person point of view, but that can be quite heavy because you're only getting one person's point of view and to carry that through the whole book can actually put a lot of weight and pressure on that one character. So the more books I've written, I change it around. I write a lot more in the third person now, actually, because in a way it gives you the freedom to have different points of view. And that can actually help with the story to move it along. But my first three books were written in the first person and they worked. So whatever works, you'll figure it out. By chapter…
