From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Percolating ideas

Percolating ideas

- Ideas, where to find them, what am I going to write about? Now over the areas I have met one or two writers who have been a little bit cynical and had decided to write to trend, what they feel the market is looking for. You might get one book out of it, but you're certainly not going to get more than one. And I think it's very important not to be cynical because do not underestimate your reader. Readers are very smart and they know immediately if they're being fed something, if the writer isn't really being passionate about the subject matter, if they're not really being true about what they're writing, that shines through. And it's really important to not underestimate your reader. And don't be cynical about the market. Don't write to Marcus because the market changes so fast and nobody knows what the new thing is going to be. I mean, when The Help came out, no publisher in the world sold that a book about a domestic…
