From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Making room at the table

Making room at the table

- If you wants something, you have to go and get it. And you also have to persevere and you have to invest in it. So, do you really want to write a book? If you really want to write a book, you are going to have to get serious about it, and you are going to have to take it seriously. And you're going to have to be disciplined. You're going to have to sit down every day in the space that you've created in the time that you've carved out for yourself. And you're going to have to sit there and write. And sometimes the words flow off your fingertips onto your laptop, and it's just pure joy. And some days, it is like drawing blood from a stone. Sometimes I describe it as it's literally like putting one word in front of another. And you sometimes think, "Oh my God, this is such rubbish. I want to throw my keyboard at the window." But funnily enough, those days are sometimes the days that you do your best work. And you go back…
