From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Let your character own the story

Let your character own the story

- Another very important thing to remember is there is no right way and no wrong way. I have writer friends who sit down, no plot, no character. They just have a little idea, and off they go. I tried that. It didn't work for me. So for me, I need to plan things out. So I start off, before I sit down to write my book, I pretty much know exactly what's going to happen. Now you might think, "Mm, that sounds a bit like you're stifling the creative process." You're not because within that's chapter breakdown that I have before I start, I know the beginning, I know the middle, I know the end. So many different things happen. Characters turn up that I had never planned. A character I thought was going to behave one way, behaves another way. So the characters will take on a life of their own. I know that sounds slightly nuts, but that's actually what happens, because you've created them and now, they're owning their own story.…
