From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Let it go

Let it go

- Another very important lesson that I've learned is do not cling to a book if it's not working. I think it was my 14th book, now you think I'd know better at this point. But I wrote about 50,000 words, and each day, as I went to my desk, my stomach would sink. I just knew it wasn't working, but I kept thinking the idea was a really good idea, and if I could just get the first draft down, then I could figure it all out in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth drafts. But eventually, after 50,000 words, and I had done so much research. One of the characters in the book suffers from burns. I'd done so much research into burns and skin grafts and everything, and I really wanted the book to work. But after 50,000 words, I sat down at my desk one morning and I just went, "Okay, I have to stop. It's not working, and it's killing me." And I dumped that book. And the book that came after, when I freed up all that space in my…
