From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece


- Hello, I'm Sinead Moriarty. And this is my story. Where did I get the audacity to think that I could be a writer? It probably started at a very young age because my mother is actually a children's writer. So, growing up, I saw my mom writing longhand at the kitchen table. And what happened was she had taken myself and my siblings to the Waxworks Museum in Dublin. And we didn't recognize any of the Irish historical figures. So being a bit shocked and appalled by this, my mother being a doer, decided she was going to do something about it. And so she set about writing children's books for young adults about famous Irish historical figures. So she's written about Jonathan Swift, and James Joyce, and WB Yeats, and Grainne Mhaol, the pirate princess. And that's I think when the seed was planted. I saw her writing, I saw her being rejected by a couple of publishers, but then I saw her succeeding. And as a young child, going to your mother's book launches is very inspiring. And I think from a very young age, I always wanted to write, but I didn't have the confidence until I was 30. Turning 30 was a catalyst for me. It was like, if you're going to do it, get off your butt and do it now.
