From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Follow your curiosity

Follow your curiosity

- Sometimes, people will see writers looking out the window and think they're actually not really doing anything. Well, I'm telling you now that when you are thinking about a book and indeed writing a book, a lot of that staring, going for long walks, that's really important as well because you're percolating. The ideas, the characters, you're figuring it all out. And sometimes actually when you start writing a book and you're stuck, this works for me, I go for a walk or doing something repetitive. A lot of other writer friends say driving or maybe chopping up food for cooking or walking or running or whatever it is, that kind of works out the little knots in your plot. And sometimes you do need to get away from your desk. And I'm a firm believer in discipline but sometimes you actually need to get away from your desk and get away from sort of your writing equipment and just go for a walk or meet a friend for coffee or…
