From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Be realistic

Be realistic

- So you want to write a book, now, what do you want to get out of this? Here's the thing, you're going to read in the papers about seven book deals for a debut novel that took three weeks to write. Okay, the reason it's a headline is because it is so unbelievably rare. I would say 60 to 70% of the writers that I know still have either full-time or part-time jobs. And then there are the lucky few of us who can write full-time. But again, you're self-employed, you're only as good as your last book, so you're constantly on your toes and you never know when this lovely, happy, wonderful career is going to end or maybe it'll continue. Be realistic, okay? So manage your expectations, it is highly unlikely that you're going to end up getting a seven figure deal for your first book and end up buying a property in South of France and writing your next book overlooking the ocean. So you need to be realistic about your…
