From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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- The dreaded writer's block. Over the last 20 years, I've met a lot of people and a lot of writers, all writing different genres, and there's a lot of chat about writer's block. Here's what I think about writer's block. The harder you work, the less likely it is that you're going to get writer's block. What I have found is that when I'm in the middle of writing a book, I get the idea for the next book, because I'm in that kind of creative space. So in my opinion, if you work really, really hard, you're not going to suffer from writer's block. And yes, okay, there are going to be times where you run out of ideas, and in that case, you need to go out and fill your creative well. Now I know that might sound a bit hippy, dippy, but it's actually really important. You have to live to come up with ideas. So it's very important to fill that creative well. So if you are feeling like, "Oh, I just, I haven't got anything (tsks), really any great ideas or any great characters going at the moment," go to the theater, go to the cinema. Go to other author's book launches. Listen to their readings. Go to poetry readings. Go to the ballet. Go for walks. Fill your creative well, travel, read, read some more, read even more. And it's amazing. It will come to you. Don't panic because it will come, but you have to open yourself up to feeding the creative side of you. And then you'll come up with new ideas. It might take a week. It might take a month. And it might take a year. But don't worry. It will happen, and it will come. But I firmly believe that the harder you work, the more creative you are. Or the more creativity you surround yourself with, then the more ideas will come to you, because creativity breeds creativity. So it's also a really good idea to have lots of creative friends.
