From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Be open to change

Be open to change

- The ending of your book, everyone's obsessed with the end of the book. What's going to happen? Is it good enough? Is that really how it should end? Again, this depends on how you write. Some people just sit down and they have no idea how it's going to end until it ends. For me, I'm a plotter and a planner. If you're a plotter and a planner, you're going to know how it ends. But, you know what, interestingly, none of the endings of my book have changed as I planned, but sometimes they have slightly altered maybe. Maybe there's a softer ending. Maybe there's a harder ending. Nothing dramatically has changed, but definitely there has been some alterations shall we say? So again, be open to it. Don't be absolutely finite about that. This is going to happen and that's just it, because again, as you're writing the book, your characters are going to tell you how they want the book to end and go with it, go with them.…
