From the course: iOS Development: Security

Keeping your apps secure - iOS Tutorial

From the course: iOS Development: Security

Keeping your apps secure

- [Instructor] Our mobile devices keep a continuous record of our lives. Protecting the security of all the sensitive information is imperative. Attackers are around trying to get our data. Apple has built advanced technologies both into their software and hardware to protect users from all these security threats. Hello, I'm Károly Nyisztor. I've been developing software systems for more than two decades now and I'm passionate about Swift and iOS development. I've also authored several books and online courses. We'll start by introducing the fundamentals of iOS security. Then, we'll delve into data protection and encryption. We're going to talk about other relevant topics like data security, Cryptography, and how to implement support for Touch ID and Face ID. Throughout the course, I'll be using live coding examples. I'm really excited to share what I know about iOS Security with you and I'm pretty sure that once you complete the course you will be able to integrate advanced security features into your iOS apps easily. Alright, let's get started.
