From the course: iOS Development: Security

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Data leakage through app screenshots

Data leakage through app screenshots - iOS Tutorial

From the course: iOS Development: Security

Data leakage through app screenshots

- I am going to demonstrate another data leakage problem, we'll use the Pasteboard demo app from the previous lesson. If you want to follow along with me open the project from the exercise files folder chapter 2 02 09 begin. We already made the necessary changes to prevent data leakage through the Pasteboard. However, our app still has still a severe security flaw. Let's run the app. I fill in the user name 'secure user' and the password 'super secret password' Now, I hit the home button this will move the app to the background. If I tap the home button twice we can see the app switcher with our app screen shot, the screenshot clearly shows all the login credentials. Whenever, we send an app to the background IOS takes a snapshot of the application's current screen, the snapshot gets saved within the apps and box as you'll see in moment. We'll use Iexplorer, an app that lets us see a lot of our devices internal files. I've gone ahead and connected my Iphone to this computer…
