From the course: Introduction to Microsoft Exchange Online

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Alias email addressing

Alias email addressing

- [Instructor] I'm in the Microsoft 365 admin center and I'm going to create some aliases. Aliases are a great way to add in the ability to receive email on more than one name. So for example, if we take Martha and open up Martha's account and I click under the aliases area for managed usernames. So here we see the default email is going to be So that means when she sends email, it's only going to send as that particular email address. However, she can now receive under as many different aliases as we'd like to do and there's no additional charge to do that. So let's say she wants to possibly receive under mmoney at office email. So we'll go ahead and click add that. Now it adds it as a new one. Let's say she wants to be called, or she wants to receive email. And I can put as many of these as I'd like. I can also choose any other domains that are there. So let's say…
