From the course: Interaction Design: Interface

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The power and importance of color

The power and importance of color - Sketch Tutorial

From the course: Interaction Design: Interface

The power and importance of color

- Principles of grouping and similarity play a large role in interface design and color is one of the techniques we can use to associate objects to each other and convey a group or to convey a similarity. Color can communicate emotion but in user interface design, we mostly use color for emphasis. Color enforces hierarchy by emphasizing elements over others. Here's a simple example of how the color of the heading distinguishes between different tutorial types. Color is used to group sections and distinguish areas from each other. And in this example, the sections have strong color associations distinguish from each other to indicate a group. Color, if used correctly, increases scannability as it allows our eye to pick up differences quickly and draws emphasis to elements on the page. In this example, the light red status message stands out against the rest of the text and our eye is drawn to it. Color also reinforces…
