From the course: Individual Accountability for Equity and Inclusion

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Why does DEI matter at the organizational level?

Why does DEI matter at the organizational level?

From the course: Individual Accountability for Equity and Inclusion

Why does DEI matter at the organizational level?

- Now that you have a good understanding of what DEI means, the next logical question becomes, why does it matter, and to whom? I often say that the work of DEI starts at the individual level. How it finds its way into organizational context and processes is when it is intentionally centered by the individuals that make up an organization. While this whole course is about individual accountability, and that is where we will spend most of our time, it is useful to take a few moments to consider why DEI matters to organizations more broadly. There are two arguments that typically get tossed around. The first is the business case for diversity. And the basic premise is that organizations should care about diversity, because it is good for an organization's bottom line. Now, while that may be true, I do not subscribe to that reasoning alone. A second argument is the moral imperative case. The crux of this position is that…
