From the course: InDesign: Remote Workflows with InCopy, Word, and Google Docs

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Use the DocsFlow plugin for smart updating

Use the DocsFlow plugin for smart updating

- [Instructor] I talked in an earlier video about using Google Docs to co-edit a single document. I love Google Docs and I use it all the time, along with members of my team and my clients scattered all around the globe. Now, what is very cool is that there is a plugin from the same company that does WordsFlow which I talk about in this title, that will allow the InDesign user to hook into Google Docs and place from Google Docs with the same kind of intelligent merging and updating. So that's what this diagram is showing. There is a Google Doc up in the cloud, right? This has nothing to do with Google Drive at the moment. It's just a regular Google Doc that lives in a person's Google Drive account. And here is a writer editing the Google Doc. Google Docs can be shared by many people. So there might be five or 10 different writers who are all co-editing the same Google Doc. What this cool plugin does called DocsFlow…
