From the course: InDesign: Remote Workflows with InCopy, Word, and Google Docs

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InDesign's own Word file linking is broken

InDesign's own Word file linking is broken

- [Illustrator] Okay, let's talk about another solution for design and editorial collaboration, and that is linking the text files that the editors and writers, copy editors are supplying to the designer, linking those files to the layout so that as the writers make changes to those files, the layout is automatically updated and the designer doesn't have to repeat their work, right? That would be great. Ask any designer what takes the most time in their workflow, other than, you know, transferring the markups proofs to the live file and that is importing text files, Word files, Google Docs, and so on and formatting them, and then having to update them when they're changed. So first let's look at the built in way that InDesign offers, and then you'll see why it's horrible. Now I want to show you that I have created a folder called One Acme Pub Production and put it into Dropbox. Though that's not required for linking Word…
