From the course: InDesign: Remote Workflows with InCopy, Word, and Google Docs

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Close out an InCopy/InDesign project

Close out an InCopy/InDesign project

- [Instructor] So when does all this end? When do you know that the file is done? Well, at some point during this workflow, you will have decided how you're going to do that. You'll have a deadline, people will review final layouts in InCopy, people will give their sign-offs in whatever way that you usually do sign offs and the final document will be done, right? So all the stories have been finished and everybody is approved of all the changes to the stories and the design is approved and it's ready for you the designer to prep for the printer or to prep for uploading to your website as a PDF. So this is what that process looks like. I just opened up this document that we've been working on in InDesign. I had it closed during earlier videos and it's reporting that there's 13 modified links. Well, it's talking about the stories that we've been futzing around with and editing. I just want to show you that InDesign…
