From the course: In the Shop: Manufacturing

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Manufacturing flashlights at Surefire

Manufacturing flashlights at Surefire

From the course: In the Shop: Manufacturing

Manufacturing flashlights at Surefire

(upbeat rock music) - Today I'm here at SureFire, and SureFire is a manufacturer of lights and other tactical gear for police, military, and first responders. As it's really some of the best flashlights you can ever buy. I'm here with Barry Duke, who is the vice president of one of the manufacturing divisions here at SureFire. So Barry, tell us a little more about this facility. What's going on here, and what you guys are making? - This facility, we're making a number of different products. Today we're talking about the flashlights. Looks like a very simple part. When you really start looking at it, there's all kinds of machine operations that go in to making this. And one of the big differences here at SureFire, is we've invested in the finest manufacturing equipment in the world. - And what exactly type of machine are we looking at here behind us? - [Barry] Right here, we're looking at an Index R200. Really a machining center. - [Gabriel] Okay. - So you could call it mill turn, but…
