From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

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Video SEO for ecommerce

Video SEO for ecommerce

- [Instructor] With YouTube being the second-largest search engine in the world and with video being a great way to add additional value to your website visitors, it is important to consider having a video strategy intertwined within your overall SEO strategy, but what are some of the benefits to using video SEO? And how can you optimize your videos for maximum search engine traffic? Here are a few benefits to video SEO. Firstly, video can now be found directly in the search engines. This can be really useful if you're finding it difficult to rank your actual web page in the search engines for a specific search term. You may have better luck creating a video on YouTube, and that might rank itself. There's also less competition, as less companies are actually creating video content. It's also great for video demonstrations of your product. If you give a demonstration of your product, then it could entice more sales back…
