From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

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SEO good practice

SEO good practice

- [Instructor] When it comes to search engine optimization, one of the biggest factor that Google will consider when deciding how well your web pages and website as a whole rank for specific keywords is the experience that web visitors have when they come across your website. If you can really nail your user experience down, then this can dramatically improve your chances of ranking higher in the search engines. Here are a few essential SEO best practices that will help you to improve your user experience on your website. You should make sure that you have an SSL certification on your website. You should also make sure that your website loads as speedily as possible. You should ensure that you have a responsive website that shows up really well on multiple devices. Desktop, laptop, and mobile phone as well. You should also ensure that you have an overall great user experience on your website. Let's look at the difference…
