From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

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Perform an SEO audit for your website

Perform an SEO audit for your website

From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

Perform an SEO audit for your website

- [Instructor] In this video, we will learn how to conduct an SEO audit for your website using SEMrush. I will demonstrate how you can analyze the keywords that your with is currently ranking for as well as where your major back links are coming from and how you can compare this data against your competitors. So I'm actually on SEMrush at the moment and it is an all-in-one marketing tool for your SEO needs. Now they do have some paid plans which start from $99, but you can utilize their tool for free, you will just be limited in terms of what you can actually do and how many times you can perform searches on your website. So I'm going to go ahead and create a free account to show you the process. First you want to come up and click the Sign Up button and literally all you need is your email address and creating a password. Once you have created your account, you will see the options to set up a Pro account and they are…
