From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

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Image optimization

Image optimization

- [Instructor] Images play an integral part of any e-commerce website, and the search engines know this all too well. Your product images help your customers to come to a buying decision, and if you optimize your images correctly, they may even get indexed in Google Image search, as well as help you to improve the overall experience of your website, increasing search engine traffic. Let's look at how you can optimize the images on your e-commerce website. Having too many images on your website can actually slow it down. One of the ways to reduce the size of your images is to come to a website such as Here, you can upload your images, and they will compress your image so you can use the compressed version to upload to your website. This will help you to improve the speed of your website. Another way to optimize your images is to include alt text. So, depending on what content management system you are using,…
