From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

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Google rich snippets and structured data

Google rich snippets and structured data

From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

Google rich snippets and structured data

- [Instructor] Structured data gives you the opportunity to give Google and other major search engines more information about your product and their information on a particular product page. It also could give you more SEO real estate, as well as a competitive edge in the search engines. I've gone to Google and typed in Samsung laptops to give you an example of how this looks. So the very first search result I get are the sponsored ads. And as you can see, this allows me to see an image of the product, and it gives me a little bit of information about the product as well before I even click on the ad. If I scroll down, then I can also see what people have asked the search engines. And the website that is providing this information is down here. If I scroll down even further, you can see product images and more information about other products that I can also purchase. But how do you give search engines this type of…
