From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

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Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis

- [Instructor] Ubersugest is a really useful tool hosted on that you can make use of to really understand what your competitors are doing right in the search engines so that you can focus your SEO strategy accordingly. You can also focus on what you're doing right in the search engines and make any relevant improvements. During this video, I want to take you through some of the major advantages of using this free tool to help you improve the overall SEO strategy for your e-commerce website. Once you go to, here is how the tool will look. You want to first plug your website into the tool and choose what region you would like to analyze. As you can see when you click the downward arrow, it gives you some options based on different countries. Choose which one is applicable to you and then click on Search. Underneath the traffic analyzer, you can click Overview to get an overview of the website that…
