From the course: HR Recruiting Communication Strategies to Attract and Retain Top Talent

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Emphasize professional development opportunities internally

Emphasize professional development opportunities internally

- One thing that I see in short supply in organizations is in creating opportunities for employees to further advance their professional skills. Even some of the big companies have cut back on these initiatives. Now, there were good reasons to do so before when employees were less likely to leave their job. But the great reshuffle requires every organization to reevaluate this stance. Staff members are leaving today in far greater numbers, and not usually just for money. Instead, they are seeking new challenges. Well, instead of requiring an employee to look outside your company for that next new mountain to climb, you can create that within your own organization. Most notably, creating these professional development initiatives doesn't necessarily require a big budget. Sure, you can subsidize team members who want to pursue advanced degrees and technical certifications. That's great if you can find the money to do so.…
