From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Taking notes with LinkedIn Learning - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Taking notes with LinkedIn Learning

- [Instructor] A great way to become a more effective learner is to take notes. While watching a course, you'll often come across great tips, key concepts, or a call to action. I strongly recommend that as you're watching video-based courses, you should write these things down in order to remember them, as well as review and reference them later. The Notebook tool in LinkedIn Learning makes this easy to do. So on the course page, for any course, and right now I'm inside of the Learning to Teach online course. I'm on the course page. Here, you'll see these different tabs, and one of them is the Notebook tab. I'm going to go ahead and click on that Notebook tab, and you can see when I do, it's a very simple box that appears here and it is simple. You can click inside of it and start taking notes, but it does give you some really helpful metadata. I'm going to click here and let's say that in this video I'm watching titled, Benefits of Online Education, I'm currently partway through the video, but I want to take notes on this. So here I'm going to put some of the Benefits for Online Education. And now once I have those notes entered in there, I'll click enter or save. And it saves those notes. But take a look at the note down below. Not only does it tell me the video that it's in, but it'll also tell me the timestamp. So if I want to, I can go and read this, right here is that note, Benefits of Online Education, convenience, flexibility, increased course options. If I wanted to follow up and watch more about that or clarify it, I can simply click here and it will bring me to that point in the video. - [Narrator] Online learning, you can take a course. - [Instructor] So in this case I was at that point, but it will do that. Now I want to switch to another tab up top. And this is a course that I already started taking in the past. And the reason I wanted to go here is to show you under the notebook tab that in this course I do already have some notes. So here in the introduction section, I had some notes I took under Chapter 1, setting clear goals. I had some notes. And for these, if I wanted to go directly to this note, I could click here. - Some potential challenges. For example, what would you do if you discovered your intended- - [Instructor] And it will take me to that point in the video. So it's a very intuitive note taking system that allows you to quickly access your notes, as well as the place in the video that you got them. And also at any time, off to the right, you can download your notes and have a copy of them that way as well. So take advantage of the notebook feature inside of LinkedIn Learning.
