From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Search for LinkedIn Learning courses - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Search for LinkedIn Learning courses

- [Instructor] Let's take a quick look at how you can search for courses and content on LinkedIn Learning. There is an enormous amount of content on this platform, which is why it's important to be able to find the content that you need when you need it. Now, there are a lot of ways to find content on LinkedIn learning, but the most straightforward way to do this is by using the search bar up at the top. I'm going to navigate up here, and when I click on the search bar, you'll notice right away that it shows my recent searches, it shows some trending searches, it shows different professional certificates as well as allows me to break down what I'm looking for. Am I looking for courses, learning paths, or hands-on practice? Now, up here, I'm going to type in something because I'm looking for design, I want to learn more about design. I'll hit Enter. And when I do this, you'll notice here that it gives me 41,606 results. That's too many. I need to break this down further. So, in order to do this, up at the top we can use the Filters. Now, the first one is for language. I want to keep this one English right now. Next, we have type, so I can break this down by a course, a video, audio, event, a learning path, role guide. In this case, I'm looking for courses. I'll go ahead and click Show results, and you can see that I've narrowed it down now to 2,671, but still too many. So, up here I'm going to go in and I could put in, let's say, beginner level, Show results, and I have narrowed it down some. However, you'll find that the word design is a pretty broad search, and you're likely going to want to look into something a bit more specific. If not, you're going to want to click on All filters and make sure that you are putting in here anything that you want to try to filter this down for specifically what you're looking for. Maybe it is a subject and topic area or a specific software. Now, speaking of that, if I were looking for the program InDesign, then I'd go up here, type in InDesign, and you can see it brings up courses on that. Again, here there are 45 that have the parameters that I put in here, that are courses for beginners related to InDesign. So, that is one way to search for content. Another way is by using the Browse Topics feature on the left. If I go over here into the search bar and click here where I can browse topics, this brings me to the different libraries. Up at the top, I can see the Business, Technology, and Creative libraries, as well as different certifications. Now within the Business Library here, I do see role guides, learning paths, and more. I'll talk about those in different videos. However, now I want to talk about the Topics Library, and that is right here for the Business Library. This helps you to break it down by topics. So, in other words, if I were looking at business topics, but I want to define ones related to customer service, I could go over here on the right to this Customer Service section, click Show all, and it will now show me all of the content related to customer service. You can see here that it's 159 results. Again, I can use those filters then to narrow that down. Now, I'm going to go back over to that Browse Topics, and you'll see if I go to the Technology Library and scroll down, it's going to have these different topics. So, again, I can choose the one that I want and search inside there. This is another great way to find content in a specific area that you are looking to upskill or reskill in. One find a way that I want to point out in this video on how you can find content is by using the recommended content on your homepage. So, I'm going to navigate back to my homepage by going to the Home icon on the left, and now here I want to point out the different content that's being recommended to me. If I scroll down, you'll start to see these carousels, one for Grow and advance as a Course Instructor, so they're using my job title to find relevant content for me. Next, it's Top picks for Oliver, so specific to me. This week's top courses, they have new releases. You can learn skills related to ones that you've selected that you're following, most liked by your connections, and so on. So, this is another great way to find content, and sometimes you'll find content here on topics that you didn't even know you had to learn about, so this can be a really helpful way to find it as well. Now, throughout the next couple chapters, I'll talk about some of the different ways that LinkedIn Learning helps you find content that you need. But first, it's important to have an understanding of how to search the site and utilize the filters. In fact, I challenge you to take some time to search for some content. Type in a topic that you're interested in and then utilize the search filters to narrow down your selections. See if you can find a course that looks amazing.
