From the course: How to Generate Marketing Leads with AI

Understanding AI for lead generation

- There's a numerous benefits to why using AI for lead generation is beneficial for a company or a brand or even what we like to call a solopreneur. So the first thing is going to be the efficacy of the ability for it to take in so much information that when you just look at how much time and resources it would take to manually take all of that in it, it's a big time saver. So that's going to be the first impact of it. The second impact of it is going to be the real time analysis of it. So unlike having to run campaigns, gather data and reports, and then analyze reactively, for lack of a better term, implementing AI into your lead generation strategies actually allows for realtime analysis and realtime optimizations. I would also say that when you start talking about the cost effectiveness of leveraging AI into lead generation, that's a really big benefit to it. Say you're, you're starting to test what different types of copy or captions or creative are really going to resonate with your leads. To do that manually is going to take a significant budget as well as a bunch of time to run that. And now what AI is actually helping organizations do is you can actually run those tests in minutes now. You can now actually start off your campaigns right off the bat with that information allowing for a much more strong ROI right out the gate for your campaigns. And now as you think about when I want to create additional campaigns in the future, this is the information that you could use to really hone in the types of content that you either want to create from scratch or curate and really put together that you know for a fact is really going to resonate with the audiences that you're going after. So is it going to be still imagery that people like to see? Is it going to be videography? If it is video, what types of video are we going to see? When you start to get into various types of content creation and ad formats that you can have, some ad formats are going to be more dynamic. You have ads that are going to be small and that you see just at the top of your screen. You have ads that can cover the entire screen of your phone. And then with the use of AI, you're actually able to get access to things like a heat map. So now I can not only tell you how, what's your click through or how many people clicked on your creative, but I can actually say not only was this percentage of people who clicked on it, but we also saw that a lot of people were engaging with the person's face that were on there, or there was a... One example that we always give is tell people what to do. So there's a button that says, click here. Well, ironically, people are following directions and they're clicking here. So it starts to give us the insight that we know when we start to create future advertisements and curate additional pieces of content. It gives us all of the information on top of the ability to analyze these things real time. So when you start to add an AI into that, the biggest benefit to that is going to be a few things. Number one is going to be the efficacy of it. So now, for example, when you start talking about real time bidding and different things like that, AI is going to get you the best types of placement for the best price to get the best types of engagement. That's going to be really one of the big things. The second things is it's going to give you a bunch of data in real time that you can now use for future advertisements. So again, you no longer have to wait for a campaign to finish up and then say, how do we now adjust? You can now adjust right there real time. You can adjust your platforms, you can adjust your targets, you could adjust to really make sure you're honing in and only speaking to the key individuals that you're really looking to speak to. And then the last aspect of using AI to that is you can actually help it analyze that information for you. So now before where there's still was that manual aspect of having to say, okay, I got this information. Now, what do we do with set information? Now you're going to be able to use AI to say, okay, ai, you analyze this feedback and now you give me two things that you notice that we should be doing. It's first going to allow you to say, based upon all of these previous data sets, these are the individuals and this is the customer profile who is likely to convert. The second aspect to that that I can actually do is it can actually give you information on people who are likely to churn, for example. So based upon that data, you can actually say, even if you were to sell this customer or provide a service to this customer, history is showing us that there's a high chance that this customer won't be happy for whatever reason or not. So the first step when you're talking about how to make all of these things we've discussed as far as using AI and lead generation actionable is number one, you have to truly understand who your ideal customer is, just that simple. Why are they potentially great customers? Is it about the amount of money that they spend? Is it about the amount of time that they're going to spend with your service? So what is it that makes them an ideal customer? And again, once we find them and once we're able to hone into into them, then we can start to say, okay, how do we use AI to test that type of stuff? So now I can say, now that I've identified my customer, AI, why don't you help me create a plan, create an engagement strategy that will also help them convert? Because that's what we're ultimately looking to do. We're not ultimately just looking to create brand awareness for our ideal customers, we're looking to convert them to become what I like to call eventually brand advocates for you.
