From the course: How to Generate Marketing Leads with AI

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Personalization and AI for lead nurturing

Personalization and AI for lead nurturing

From the course: How to Generate Marketing Leads with AI

Personalization and AI for lead nurturing

- So, when we talk about lead generation, lead generation is just simply the idea of, and the process of identifying a potential person and then beginning the process of prospecting them. Lead nurturing really starts to get into that prospecting process. So, again, as we know, there's multiple stages of a sales cycle. On a very simple level, it starts off with people just being aware of your brand, who you are, what you offer, what you do, now getting them to engage with your brand. Maybe take that additional step to come through your website, come through your social, learn a little bit more about them. Then, we get into what I like to call the consideration phase. Now, that they're ready to buy, how are you still engaging with them? How are you putting your price points? Educating them on why they're different or why you're different from your competitors and then ultimately, converting them. I like to say there's…
