From the course: How to Generate Marketing Leads with AI

Boost your lead generation with AI

- So, one of the most critical parts of building a successful business is generating a pipeline full of qualified people. How are you going to be generating leads to sustain your business? Well, I'm here to tell you today that leveraging AI in your lead generation strategy is going to make your life so much more convenient to find those ideal individuals that you're looking for in an efficient timeframe that want to buy from you and buy from your business. My name is Lorenzo Johnson, and I am Partner and Director of Revenue at Sociallyin, one of the premier social media agencies in the United States. And I am just so excited and so passionate about using AI because we're personally in the world of social media. We're used to things that move fast pace. The world of social media is always changing, it's always improving, and that's one of the things I love about AI. So in this course, I'm going to take a deep dive into what AI is and how it can be used when it comes to your lead generation strategy. But then even deeper than that, what are the technologies and what are the tools that you can use to employ this new knowledge and this new understanding that you have? If you can use more leads right now and you're excited to learn about all of the different ways and new and efficient ways that you can generate the most and highest qualified leads for your business, this is the course for you.
