From the course: How Leaders Can Connect Empathy and Results

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Handling difficult coworkers with empathy

Handling difficult coworkers with empathy

- It's hard to show empathy for coworkers you don't really get along with. But to get business results, you must find a way to have some level of compassion. Handling difficult peers with empathy, understanding and a desire to improve the relationship requires taking a step back in a specific approach summed up in the acronym, STEP BACK. Let's go through it. Stop wishing they were different. Give difficult coworkers room to be themselves. Avoid labeling them. Focus on the problem you're trying to solve, not the personality. Better still, focus on changing the interchange with them, not trying to change them. Take the initiative. Nothing good ever comes from waiting to address a difficult coworker. Take responsibility for improving the relationship. Decide what outcome you want, what behaviors to address or ignore, and open up the lines of communication. Talk to, not about the coworker. Ego may be the culprit,…
