From the course: Hotwire: Reactive Ruby on Rails Applications

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Creating the sample application

Creating the sample application

- [Instructor] We'll create a new app to practice the course's concept. Open a terminal window, go to a directory of your choice, and run the command rails new, the name you prefer, for example, hotwire_course, and let's use Tailwind CSS for the styles. When the app is created, open it with your preferred code editor. I'm going to use Visual Studio Code. Let's add some basic styling to show the examples in the following videos. Open the application.tailwind.css file. This is the Tailwind CSS styles file. As a quick introduction, it has three components, base, components, and utilities. These components include a collection of classes that you can use in your application directly in the HTML, or here for custom classes. Let's set some styles for a few HTML tags, Add @layer components. And inside the block, add styles for the h1. Start with the @apply directive. And now, you can use Tailwind classes. For example, make…
