From the course: Green Building Concepts Foundations

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Two distinct costs of green building

Two distinct costs of green building

From the course: Green Building Concepts Foundations

Two distinct costs of green building

- It's very rare that I've met a client that says, money is of no issue. Great ideas, beautifully designed projects, the most impactful environmental initiatives, they can all happen if someone can and is willing to pay for them. I used to get a lot of calls from my clients, "how much is it Furya? I need to plug in a number for the green building premiums?" It's hard to say a cost just like that. First, we have to understand what kind of costs are involved in building green. There are two types of costs. The first one is the first cost. Typically, that's where people stop. The first cost are things such as green building certification fees, consultant fees, hard costs for construction premiums. In addition to these costs, the project teams should also pay attention to the second type of cost called life-cycle cost. Do you buy a car just by the sticker price? Or do you ask about the maintenance cost, miles per gallons, replacement value of the car? Just like a car, a building should…
