From the course: Green Building Concepts Foundations

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Green building rating systems

Green building rating systems

- Worldwide, there are many third-party, green building rating and certification systems that provide guidance, evaluation tools, and verification for green buildings. Some of these certifications are used globally, such as lead certification, while some others are specific to a country, such as CASBEE in Japan. In the last two decades, creation and evolution of green building certifications and rating systems had a positive impact on the build environment. This was achieved by creating apples-to-apples conversion tools for high-performance buildings, a healthy competition among build owners, and credibility of a third-party verification. Today, there are dozens of green building certifications. While, many of these certifications cover all aspects of what makes the building green, some focus on a single attribute, such as energy performance or improvement of occupant health and well being. Over the next three chapters, I will discuss most commonly utilized certifications in three…
