From the course: Green Building Concepts Foundations

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Green building definition and concepts

Green building definition and concepts

From the course: Green Building Concepts Foundations

Green building definition and concepts

- What is a Green Building? I like defining a Green Building by visualizing it. Think about it. Before you are building the building, you are digging the excavation So the building is disrupting and harming of the land. A green building would deduce it's negative impact on the land by being sensitive to compaction of heavy equipment. Maybe storing materials becomes a more planned action. Next, the building is going up. What do you need? Building materials are coming in from all over the world likely. A green building would have 2 aspects of materials. One is are they efficient? Are they bringing less materials? Two is are they healthy? By transporting them from various different places can be reduced the impact of transportation. Can we bring in materials maybe that use less raw materials. How about health? Are the materials off-gassing on healthy chemicals? Next, the building is ready to go. It's built and the occupants move in. What happens, the occupants need to stay happy and…
