From the course: Graphic Design: Insight and Advice

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How do you look at a layout?

How do you look at a layout?

- When I look at a layout, I can most often identify a beginner, or that a beginner did it. If it's kind of grayed out meaning everything is similar in size and color and distributed around the page kind of evenly. That's a mark of a new designer. Professional designers are gonna be much bolder in their moves. They're gonna make things big and things small, and things dark and things light, and things way over here or way over here, and simpler things. They'll have fewer bold things, and allow those things to work in the white space, in the open space on a page. It's the biggest mark I think, biggest difference I see between a professional design and an amateur design. An amateur, is it fair to say the word amateur? A new designer will tend to fill up all the space. A new designer will not be as aware of rectangular shapes on a page, which sounds like maybe a funny thing. But images are normally in rectangles and when you start stacking rectangles on your page, they create more…
