From the course: Google Workspace Hacks: Unlocking Digital Productivity

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Organize your Drive storage

Organize your Drive storage

- [Instructor] Google Drive gives you the ability to create, store, share, collaborate, and more on resources, and access them from anywhere you have internet access across all of your devices. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and that responsibility is to keep your Drive storage organized so that you can access your files more productively. I'm going to take a look at a few tips and best practices for doing this. However, I fully understand that everyone has different organizational styles. My recommendation is to find something that works for you. Right now, I'm inside of my Google Drive account and although there isn't much in here, it's becoming a mess, so I want to start cleaning this up before it gets too late. Now, tip one is do not underestimate the importance of naming your files. I want to show an example here. Look down here where it says MS 1. I don't even remember what that means. At the time, it probably made sense, but it doesn't now. If I click on…
