From the course: Google Analytics (GA4): Audience-Building and Segmentation

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How to use conditions based on time in GA4

How to use conditions based on time in GA4

- [Instructor] An important part of analyzing users is duration. With this, you can act on information and reach users at the right time. When you create a custom audience, you're not limited to static content and event conditions. There are ways to leverage scope, membership duration, and exclusions. All audiences are based on a defined membership and you'll need to decide what the duration will be. By default, it's 30 days. When someone meets the conditions and becomes a member, they would be included in audience reports, audience reporting outside of the interface, and any media or Google Ads integrations. For example, here's the campus collection audience. If a user goes to this campus page, they will be segmented into this specific audience. However, they'll be automatically kicked out if they don't go back to that page. The membership does refresh and go back to 30 if the page is visited again. So changing this…
