From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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- Since its introduction in the early 1990s, the World Wide Web, or simply the Web, has been evolving at a fairly rapid pace. To summarize from a previous video in this course, the first wave of web, known now as Web 1.0, was predominantly static pages presenting information. This is sometimes referred to as the read era. Within 10 years, Web 1.0 had transitioned to Web 2.0 by becoming interactive and dynamic. We had entered the read-write era. Users could engage with webpages by submitting information and queries and getting unique responses. Capabilities such as e-commerce, productivity suites, social media, and most of what we use online today became possible. Today, we're seeing the first sprout of the possible next generation of the web, called Web3. This may be the era of the read-write-own web. It's still relatively undefined, and it may take several more years to fully implement. But what is Web3, and what is…
