From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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Vanishing industries and new industries

Vanishing industries and new industries

- During the Second Industrial Revolution in Britain, it was common for people to be woken up by a person tapping on their bedroom windows with an extended rod. This real profession, called a knocker-upper, was essential to ensure that in the time before reliable and affordable alarm clocks, workers would be woken up on time to head to their factory jobs. In addition, many knocker-uppers used the same knocking rod as a snuffer-outer to extinguish gas lamps in the morning that have been burning all night. As alarm clocks became cheaper and reliable and electrical lights were deployed in more neighborhoods, the job of the knocker-upper was in jeopardy. Eventually, the necessity for the job was eliminated. An entire industry vanished. We can all likely think of many jobs made unnecessary and industries that have vanished as a result of innovation. We can also think of new industries, services and products that continue to emerge…
