From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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The third Industrial Revolution

The third Industrial Revolution

- In 1947, the transistor was invented. Many point to this moment as the trigger of a Third Industrial Revolution, or Industry 3.0. The breakthrough was the ability for a transistor to use semiconducting material to manage the flow of electrons passing through it. This gave way to a completely new world of innovation. Early on, transistors enabled small radios and low-cost calculators, Them both military and space ambitions in the United States, accelerated rapid transistor innovation in the 1950s. Later, when the semiconductor material used was largely silicon, miniaturization of the transistors into tiny silicon chips enabled the development of modern computers. Low-cost mass production of silicon chips enabled the development of computers as we know them today. Unlike the First and Second Industrial Revolutions, which mechanized manual processes, the Third Revolution is characterized by digitalization. This is the…
