From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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The emergence of smarter cities

The emergence of smarter cities

- Today, over half the world calls cities their home. Each week, around 2 million more people leave rural areas and join cities. By 2050, the Earth's urban population is expected to reach 70% of all humanity. Urbanization at this scale is a recent human phenomenon. We used to be a rural planet with most humans occupied with agriculture in small scattered communities. Today's mega cities are a product of the industrial revolutions. It seems fitting that they're gradually reflecting the characteristics of the fourth industrial revolution. Let's quickly review how we got here. In some form, cities have existed for thousands of years. Damascus, the capital of Syria, thought to be the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world was founded around 11,000 years ago. Back then, cities like Damascus, however, were the exception rather than the norm. From about 1600 onwards, larger organized urban settings began to be…
